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The Edge

The Edge

The thinking, the tools, the attitudes, the choices, the people, the everything combined into a beautiful melting pot of crazy ass serendipity, has led you-me-us to where we are today…. But… is that going to be the things that will take you to the next level?

We all have levels, fears, new heights to reach. It could be busting through the 100K pa point or 100K per month.

All – most – new levels can come with that feeling of unsurmountablity even though we know it’s possible. Probably even.

We feel it, right? The possibilities? The thing that we know is just around the corner?

So, what is it… what is the ‘it’ that we need to do in order to get ‘it’?

I think this first and foremost is the problem… or certainty part of it… the thinking that there’s something we don’t know in order to level up… when really, it’s more about becoming.

Ok ok ok. I hear you thinking WTF do you mean, Nicola? Because, I know for me, the thought of becoming someone different… a more evolved version of me whilst makes LOGICAL sense, I’m like yeah… but… how? And what? And now? And how?

Unfortunately there is a lot of this thrown around ‘out there’ and while I believe it to actually be true, to try and explain it and then do it is a bit more complex.

I mean, think about it… if we know how to think ourselves into that state, we’d be in it..but it’s more than a mechanical process. It’s more of a sinking in process. An immersion. It’s not a 1 + 1 = 2 process. More like a (1+1) x )2 + 25ª)≠ + (xy) = 12. hahhahahhaa!!! WTF? (Clearly I’m not a mathematician, but I’m sure I just worked out the formula on how to be happy!!!)

So how does one do it?

It’s an energy thang!!!

You surround yourself with people who are at the level of thinking you want to get to. It’s a little bit like in Roller Derby right now. I feel like one of the most inexperienced on my team, and I feel like a baby. I don’t like it.


I am watching, learning, practicing, being and doing. It’s the combination of all of the things that will get me to the next level.

We’ve got to be prepared to fail. To fall over. To get lost in order to be found. To over commit. To be relentless. To be seen. To show up. To get in the arena, like Roosevelt & Brené Brown so eloquently talks about. To get dirty. To be OPEN to perhaps FEELING like a fool…but actually looking like a mother fucking hero.

Few are prepared to really get in there, which gives you the BIGGEST COMPETATIVE ADVANTAGE OF ALL TIME.

The edge.

The power.

The winning formula.

It means… investing when others are running.

It means embracing courage in the face of fear.

Zig when everyone else is zagging.

Even for the dinosaurs in your industry, if they want to be relevant in 2 years, they know they need to evolve, change, expand, invest, embrace, let go and be open to new, different and enhanced ways of doing and being… otherwise… they get swallowed up and end up in the internet graveyard, invisible and irrelevant.

For those who have had any level of success, they fear this more than failure:

Being invisible and irrelevant.

Seeing new up and comers snipping at their heels delivering often a substandard service with only 1% of the experience that you have. Sometimes not. But you get what I mean.

The next biggest fear, for those who have been in the game for a while is actually not being able to do what you do and in the way you want to do it.

The cure?



Like Mads, Taylor, Gwen, Gaga, Freddie, Robbie and the greats. Actors turned singers and singers turned actors.

Embracing the new, next level of them. The more ‘mature’ sounds, tones, experiences and roles…

This requires TRUSTING.


Knowing if you don’t, you’ll die and if you do things WILL change.

Out with the old and in with the new.

You can.

You have to.

Let go of the control.

Of the Fear.

And take that leap.

Love you. You’ve got this.

PS. If you’d like to work 1:1 with me as well as masterminding with a group of amazing humans, working with you and doing all of the ‘stuff’ that’s needed for you to do whatever it is that you need to do in this next iteration of you. AND you get to use me as your safety net. Find out more here:


Let’s roll x


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live' 


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live'