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The Queen

The Queen

The Rise Resurrection of The Queen

How long has it been since you felt like the Queen you are?

6 weeks?

6 months?

6 years?

N E V E R………..?

When was the last time you felt SO much in your power that you felt unstoppable? Unfuckwithable and powerful?

It’s been a little while for me.  

For a creator (you’re a creator BTW) there’s not much worse than feeling stagnant… stuck…stifled. And if I’m honest, that’s how I felt for a fair bit of last year. I know I’m not alone in this. We all felt it.

It’s tough. Because, for people who are “people people” – even introverts who like peopleing until we’re done peopleing – it’s tough to go through such an extended period of time without being able to jam it out in the way that makes us feel alive.

I delivered a training call for my Unpack Your Genius Genius’ and man oh man. I felt like I was IN. THE. ZONE.

It felt great.

I felt great.

It felt right.

I felt right.

It felt aligned, powerful, strong, fun, funny, transformational… not just for me, but for the badasses who were there for the session as well.

The way that I identify with feeling Queen-like isn’t a feeling of lording over my subjects. It’s not a feeling of “I’m better than them”… it’s more of a grounded certainty.

One of my good friends, Kisma, put a post up talking about discipline and confidence, with it ending with “When that fear is gone, so is doubt, confusion and timidity. Enter courage, certainty and magnetism. From this place you’re pretty much rocket fuel”. I love her way with words and I couldn’t agree more!!

To me, this invokes that Queen-like feeling. Certainty. Courage. Magnetism.

The thing is, when you’re in your Queen energy from the placed of being resourceful, you whole frequency is higher. You are oscillating at a faster, higher speed… your vibe is higher. This is what makes you magnetic.

We’re all Queen’s. We all have shit going on in our worlds and I think that’s pretty normal, actually. But it’s how we deal with this that will define our moments. Our days. Our weeks. Our months. Our years. Our lives.

I was thinking about this blog today initially, feeling like it was going to be a call to you, Queen, to RISE… and it is … but then I felt like it was more like the resurrection of the Queen. Of you.

Because you’ve been there before. I know it. You know it.

This isn’t about you becoming someone you’re not…it’s about remembering who you are.

What if, just for today (and then again tomorrow) you were to take a step into that Queen energy?

Shoulders back.

Feet firmly planted on the ground, hip width apart.

Chin and jaw strong.

Smile on your face.

Core engaged.

This is the stance of someone who is certain.

Someone who is regal.

Someone who knows who they are, what they stand for and what they’re here to do.

You don’t have to know the ‘how’…. You just need to start here.

Right now.

In this stance. In this energy. As a Queen.

Now I have not a doubt in my mind that this feels so much better than fear. You can feel the difference in frequency just by getting into this physiology. You can tell, if you slump your shoulders forward that the energy droops like a flower who is fading without water.

Can you imagine what happens with your content, your messaging… what happens to your magnetism when you create from that slumped place? From a feeling of being depleted.

It lands flat and it just makes everything feel hard.

Focus on using your body as the first point to access your Queen energy. .

From there, all you need to do is tap into the things you want to say and do and get out there and do it!

Shoulders back, Queen. You’re back!

There have been a few times in the past few years where I particularly felt on top of my game. I remember being in a training room in California as a participant in an energy certification training, feeling like I was on fire! Not literally. But like I had all my shit together, and that everything was working out for me. I think this was 2018.

I also remember feeling like this when I did the National Tour at the end of 2019 (How the heck is it that long ago!?!?!? It’s crazy!). Most of 2019 I felt like this, actually. I was on fire with creativity. Money was flowing beautifully. Clients were insanely awesome and getting kickass results!

2020 kicked in and the first months were freakishly amazing! I was strong. Fit. Fired up for playing competitive Roller Derby. Skating at home was going from strength to strength.

I felt amazing. And, as we all know, Covid too the Queen energy out of my sails as the world went bonkers and I could no longer do things in the way that lit me up.

I had to find a way to tap into that Queen energy and I had glimpses of it…. But I found it hard.

So, I did the thing that I think we all did at the end of 2020. I declared a ‘FUCK THIS SHIT’ moment and decided then and there, that 2021 was going to be different.

I set intentions. I do this all the time, but this time I was even MORE intentional.

I am creating the body I want.

I am creating the business I want.

I am creating working with clients I want.

I am creating the energy I want.

I am creating abundance.

I am creating more fun.

I am creating travel.

I am creating flow.

I am creating massive transformations.

I am creating epic results.

I am creating a kickass team.

I am creating financial abundance.

I am creating that Queen energy every day.

I am learning more every day.

I am creating more connection.

I am creating happiness.

I am creating more motivation.

I am creating inspiration.

I am creating more joy.

I am creating more love.

I am creating more more more more.

I reminded myself that I am the master of MY universe!

And with that all set in and locked in as if there is NO choice but for this to be the reality, the Queen energy FEELS like it’s back.

You know how good that feels, don’t you? Mmmmm. It’s the best!

I love how, when I’m in this energy, it feels like the energy is flowing so fast out of  my fingers that they dance across the keyboard.

I get inspired. I come up amazing ideas. I trust my intuition.

And it’s fun!

I feel like I don’t have to force anything.

I just do my thing.

I set the intentions.

I take the action from a place of knowing that I always make the right decisions and I’m always on the right path.

I trust that everything I do is working out for me.

And I just do my thing!

What do you need to do to RECLAIM your Queen-like energy?

Lemme know! (Yes, this is how Queen’s talk!).

You are loved x Especially by me!



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