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The Universe Has Your Back

The Universe Has Your Back

I was looking back through some photos from towards the end of last year… right through to the start of the year and earlier.. and there something I realised. Man, I was tired!!!! I felt tired but I didn’t realise just how tired I looked as well. Isn’t it interesting how we don’t always see things the way they ARE.


I knew I was tired, my body was telling me I was tired… but I didn’t realise how tired I looked! So there you go.


What’s really interesting to me, is that we must need to sit our asses down and do the things that need to be done, right?

The more often we put it off, the more we put it off. The more you don’t do something, the harder it is to start.


There have been a billion reasons why I couldn’t write today. Why I couldn’t blog….


And the interesting thing that brought it all to a standstill was this thought.. this notion that because I felt like I was OBLIGATED to do it, I didn’t want to do it! (You do know that I’m a bit of a rebel, right? Ok. Well some times!)l.


The thing is, though, that once that seal is broken, everything becomes a whole lot easier!


During my time today in The Land of Procrastination (after running a training for my Queens of the Internet on pricing, upselling, sales pages and the importance of knowing your conversion numbers) I found myself doing some cleaning. It’s amazing how you find things that are ‘not quite clean enough’ when you’ve got something that you feel like you ‘have to do’ rather than something you want to start doing. Which is ridiculous within itself, because…. Well…


I love writing.


I love story telling.


I love teaching.


I love coaching.


I love being with people.


And yet, there are times when I will do absolutely anything (like clean the freaking coffee machine innards for example) rather than doing the things that I KNOW will feed my heart and soul when I’m doing them!


So this afternoon, after putting on the pasta sauce to cook for The People to have for dinner (I’m going to enjoy my standard vegan dinner meal that I LOVE!!) I told myself that I would sit my sweet (and still sore from yesterday’s workout!!) ass down on the chair and WRITE THE DAMN THING!


And here we are.


The day is getting on. I am freaking starving. And yes I am going to use food as a reward! Hahhahaha!!!


I remember the feeling a few years ago when I made the decision to do only the things that are fun.


I remember the feeling when I made the decision that I would only do things that light me up.


I remember making the decisions and the feeling of a weight being lifted off me when I COMMITTED to myself that this is now how I would live my life.


I knew that it would work. But I also made the decision that if it didn’t, if I ‘lost’ my business because I no longer was going to do things in a way that didn’t jazz me, then this was ok.


I have made several declarations to God, The Universe, my Higher Self asking for help. A sign. Guidance.


I remember one time when I was so perplexed, down and feeling like a big, fat floppy assed failure … that this call out was answered through my journalling telling me to just call in what I want. To focus on what I want. To take the next step. To trust. And that EVERYTHING is always working out for me.


That’s my screen saver, you know? “The Universe Has Your Back”.  I really believe it.


I decided to stop making it all so freaking hard.


That if the decision feels right, if it feels aligned, if the thing that I need to do next feels like it’s the best thing, then I have to TRUST that.


Sometimes I get scared though. It’s like hiring my ‘assistant’ or “OBM’ or whatever title we’re going to give the fabulous Jess on a close to full time basis… I got a bit fearful for a moment. Not about her (she’s a client of mine and has been working with me for years and now I have her as my own person to help me reach more people like you! She does all the stuff I don’t want to do. Thank God!)… but I came back to what feels like it’s in alignment. And that did.


The fear can still be there. It really is what you do and the decisions you make in spite of that fear that get you to where you want to be.



Speaking of fear.


I was a bit worried while I was on my Xmas break that I’d have no good ideas every again.

That I would come back to work feeling unmotivated.


That I’d still be tired. Bone tired.

That I’d be flat.


That I wouldn’t want to ‘do this’ anymore….


And I gave myself permission to just let all of that stuff go.


If I did come back feeling like that, what would I do?


I would give myself permission to take the next best action that was in alignment for me. That could have meant taking more time off. It could have meant retiring from this business. It could have meant closing the doors. It could have meant pushing clients out for a bit.


I could have made a thousand different decisions if the ‘worst case’ happened.  


So I let it go.



And the great thing is this:


I was blessed last night with a fitful nights’ sleep.


Sounds shit, I know, but I woke up this morning EXCITED.


Why? Because while I was sleeping I could hear my brain working.


I could feel the ideas bubbling.


I could feel the excitement for the year growing.


This all started around Sunday just gone.


My 6am calls For my “Implement Like A Boss” clients have been a dream group to work with already! I was so excited to meet them and start with them on Monday and it’s just raised the vibe even more.



The big thing to ponder… if you’ve been feeling like things have been a chore.. or they’ve been hard.. or you’ve been in fear… is this:


You can always always always make a new aligned choice and a new aligned decision.


It doesn’t have to be right now.


Just keep taking the next required action you need to take towards getting what you want.


Sometimes that will be a few weeks off. Sometimes that will be turning off your computer.


Sometimes it’s staying up late and leaving your soul on the floor of the office while you punch the keys to get the things done that need to get done.


Nine times out of ten, though, remember this: nothing is usually as bad as we think it is.


And the Universe always has your back








Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live' 


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live'