Measuring engagement is not what you should be focussing on – it’s just more ‘keep ’em busy BS’
I remember having a conversation in November 2017 with a not-then-client of mine, Cait, who shared with me how long she’s been following me for.
I WAS ASTONISHED at her answer! She said ‘since you started, Nicola, so probably around 2011’ She didn’t become a client of mine until 2017.
There is a LOT of noise out there saying that you need to build platform, audience and engagement. I agree with it, but only to a point and it’s not something that you can really measure in a way that is helpful.
Because most people follow other people online silently.
Measuring ‘engagement’ is a bit like measuring people who walk past a store, who casually glance across through the window but continue walking vs measuring people who actually come in and buy something. People who ‘cross the threshold’ so to speak.
Here’s the truth bomb about engagement on social media and why it isn’t the thing you should be focussing on: people will, more often than not, NOT click comment/like/share. You probably don’t either! I know I rarely comment on things even if I read them – and I rarely like people’s posts unless they’re the posts of a client of mine.
When you know how you behave online (probably not clicking like or commenting on everything you read and see), you can see why it’s a little bit odd to expect everyone else to comment/like/share on your stuff!
In my experience, 75% of people I work with have not engaged with me on social media. They didn’t even respond to my emails!
However they were watching, listening and interacting inside their heads. And THAT is something that you just cannot measure.
So what do we measure instead?
The main thing that you can focus on is consistency with your message and content whilst at the same time assuming that people are engaging with you in their heads.
You can measure the amount of posts you put out there. Hint: for every 5 value-filled posts you put out, use the next post you put up offering something to your audience utilising a ‘call to action’.
For example: Offer them a seat on your next webinar. Suggest they download a guide. Buy your book. Do something to take them from where they are now (not in a good place) to where they want to be (the good place!) and ask for the contact information and send it to them.
It’s those new contacts that you can measure. Measure those to your hearts’ content!!!! Take note of what people request from you and what they optin for and then use the data to help you increase your marketing or perhaps change your marketing.
Just don’t get caught up in the hype about the things that you simply cannot measure.
Get VISIBLE, get out there and go help some people!
PS. If you want some help putting together a digital strategy that works, that feels like you and has you going from invisible online to VISIBLE ROCKSTAR, then take me up on the Early-Early-Bird Half Price VISIBLE|LIVE tickets that are available at the moment. You can find out more here: