If you have a look at the kinds of things that make your soul sing, I KNOW that one of those things is ACHIEVEMENT.
Now, when we feel like we’re not achieving, the natural flow on seems to be self-beration….
Questions like “Oh my god. I’m not there yet. How do I do this. Why am I not there yet. I’m good, what I do is GOOD.. so why isn’t this working yet? How is it that I’m in the same place that I still was 6 months, 12 months ago? What’s wrong with me? Why does everyone else seem to HAVE IT when I know I do but it’s not translating into the results that I WANT”….
What I want you to hear, is that YOU’RE ALWAYS ACHIEVING! You’re always achieving SOMETHING. It may not be exactly what you WANT it to be or you may not ‘be’ where you WANT to ‘be’… however, you’re well on your way.
So many many entrepreneurs give up when the going gets tough and it doesn’t have to be that way.
You can choose the ‘red pill’ or ‘blue pill’ in THAT moment..
You can either give up and go back to ‘normal’ life… or you can choose the road less travelled.
If you choose option 2.. read on:
Something I want you to take a moment to do is reflect back on where you were THREE YEARS AGO. Look at how far you’ve come. Take a moment (or ten) to celebrate how far you’ve come.
Sit in that for a moment and pat yourself on the back!
The biggest thing that women come to me for help with is their MARKETING.. however, what a lot of women are missing is A REVISED VISION that lights them up. They’ve been operating things in the way that they have because they thought that it was the path to success.
The path to success is to BE YOU! It’s to fully embrace you and all that you are and then market that in a way that feels ALIGNED with your spirit, your legacy and your magic – OPERATING IN YOUR ZONE OF GENIUS.
Stepping into your zone of genius is the key to success. That thing that you do BEST – the best in the world – in the way that YOU do it.
One of the next things that women ask me is HOW to craft a vision and legacy while operating in your zone of genius.
And here’s the answer: Work out what you WANT to do and then go do THAT!
The UNDERLYING THING THAT YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THOUGH, is that it’s not your business what anyone else thinks about YOU. All that matters is what YOU think about YOU. Craft your vision around what YOU WANT.
The best way to do this is to be still. To allow your vision to get clear and then build a strategy around THAT.. and that comes from being STILL. Take some time to be still and meditate on what YOUR NEXT STEPS are so that you can craft a vision in your mind around what you want and then we reverse engineer it from there.
If you’d love to learn more about this, I’m running a FREE Live Online Training – you can register here – http://www.nicolajmoras.com
I look forward to speaking with you soon,