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You are Enough

You are Enough

I get asked sometimes why I share the things that I do in my blogs, lives and posts. You know the ones I mean? Yep. The ones that are lot less structured. They’re not formatted as “business advice” nor are they really formatted as “personal development advice”. They are definitely formatted as “Whatever needs to be said and shared today is destined to come out in whatever way, shape or form it is supposed to”. A lot more relaxed and flowy type of formatting.

I read a post this morning by Em Rusciano and I was reminded of why I write the way that I do with this style of writing.

Let’s be clear first and foremost, though. I don’t write the way that I do in order to clear stuff up for myself. The things that I have shared I have processed, worked through, am working on and or am doing The Work with.

Back to Em. Her post was about getting an ADHD diagnosis and what some of her insights were from this. What I liked about it, was that it was real, it was sharing her point of view about it. It was normalising a lot of what she had learned, so that those people in her audience could say “Oh wow. Me, too! I thought it was only me. I can’t believe everyone doesn’t have this experience”.

I was blown away a few years ago when I mentioned to some friends a couple of things that I experience – and have ever since I can remember:

  1. I wake up with songs playing in my head most mornings
  2. I chatter to myself in my head. In fact, while I’m writing this, I feel like I’m talking to you! It’s not so much back and forth conversation, but I think out loud, in my head!

I assumed that everyone experienced this. I learned, however that this is not something that everyone lives with! I was BLOWN. AWAY!

There are a couple of books over the years that felt me feel like it was ok to be me, as well. The first one I read in 2013/2014 “The Big Leap” by Gay Hendricks. This one helped me to see some of the roadblocks that I was unconsciously throwing up and in my own way… keeping me ‘safe’, keeping me familiar to myself and the place that I was in at the time.

Gay introduced me to “Upper Limit Problems” and how they creep up – created by us in one or another – the limits us and our growth. It was fascinating and scary and groundbreaking! But also affirming, because I realised that this was something that more people than just me were experiencing.

The second book that had a profound impact on me was “Relentless” by Tim Grover. In 2016 when I read this, I was knee-deep in the throes of the hustle. Constant. Always busy. Always searching for the edge. Always on the go, pushing, striving, trying. I used to feel a bit guilty for this.

Like I was the odd one out. Like I was too masculine. Too driven. Too much.

What I learned about myself through reading this book, again, was that it was ok to be me! That I was ‘normal’ if normal means that other people feel and experience what I had.

It felt GREAT to know that I wasn’t alone. That it wasn’t just me.

That I wasn’t the only one experiencing these things.

And conversely – like with the songs playing in my head when I wake up – that what I thought ‘everyone’ experienced isn’t in fact how everyone is, but that there are others out there, like me, who do experience it.

Here’s what I know: Not everyone lives the same experience as you.

And conversely: More people than you realise are similar to you!

They have similar goals and wants to you: They want the freedom to live a life they want. With the money they want. With the toys they want. With the connection they want. With epic relationships. With love, light, laughter, drive, passion, enthusiasm, balance and CHOICE.

If you were to re-read everything that I have written again…
If you were to re-watch the videos I create..
If you listen to the stories that I tell..

It’s all with one overarching intention: to remind you that it’s okay for you to be who you really are and that there are a whole cast of 1000’s of us waiting for you to join us! The crazies 😉 the misfits. The ones who want to live a life less ordinary.

People like you who have big dreams and a big heart.

Who cannot possibly – no matter how hard you try – subscribe to the ‘normal’ way of life.

I hope I’m ‘your people’.

I hope my community are ‘your people’.

If we’re not, that’s also ok. Keep looking for them. They’re out there!

I promise x

The key message for today is this:

You are enough as you are.
You do not need to change to ‘fit in’… because likely the people that you’re trying to fit in with aren’t actually your people!!!!!

Find your people and love them hard!

And maybe, just maybe, the people who are out there following you are looking for YOU! You will be ‘their person’.
You will be ‘their people’.
Your community will help them feel like they belong.
Your community will help them feel safe.

I’m so freaking glad they have you and that they’re about to find you.

After all, The World Is Ready For Your Brand of Awesome.

Nic x


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live' 


Action packed podcast featuring 'The coffee run live'