There’s something incredibly soothing about sitting in my office looking out over the pool every day, pondering some days what the heck I’m going to write to you about and what I’m going to share.
I can hear the trickle of water in the background that must be from the house next door. I assume they have a fountain – either that, or there’s a problem! Hahhahaa!
One of my kids is walking up the hallway and I can hear them preparing as they’re about to start cooking biscuits. I imagine they’re about to play with the kittens.
And in THAT moment, while I’m sitting here, I realise that I have manifested the exact life that I wanted.
Yes, there are things that need to be tweaked, but today, my manifestation has been on point.
My son and I were out walking this morning together, incidentally, talking about manifesting, your RAS and how what we focus on is what we get more of.
We talked about how you can use both of these things to bring something into your awareness. So we played with a ‘blue car’. And within minutes, BAM. There was a blue car.
I was doing some energy clearing this afternoon with my office door open, and I was thinking “how odd that my door’s been open all day and I haven’t noticed a single fly come in”.. and almost instantly, BAM! There’s a fly flying it’s little wings off, straight into my office!!
Then, within 60 seconds of literally saying that I image they’re playing with the kittens, my son walks into my office, sits on my couch and says “Oh wait! I’m going to go and find the kitty’s and play with them”. NOT. EVEN. JOKING.
It’s funny how we get so used to living life on autopilot and being at the mercy of whatever circumstances arise versus spending some time to create the circumstances we want to be living.
So what I am going to suggest to you today, is to work out what kind of life you want to manifest and create.
I want to write that all down. In as much detail as possible.
I want you to FEEL it.
Here’s the other part to all of this.
For some reason, so many of us do this and then stop doing anything about it. It’s after you’ve done this, that the work happens.
The next piece of work is to ask yourself “What’s the next best step I can take right now”? and then go and do that.
Sometimes it will be to clear out any limiting behaviours. Like “I can manifest anything I like but why can’t I manifest money”… That’s a doozy, huh?!?!
What about “Clients will always be hard work” ß no! No! No!
What about “I’ll do this but it probably won’t work” ZAP! To quote Abraham Hicks, you’re straight out of the vortex with that puppy
Another thing to work on, is the kinds of clients you want to work with and how do you see them coming in?
A colleague of mine was sharing on a call recently how her clients are coming to her in the EXACT way that she had manifested them to.
Which really made me think about it. We can talk about marketing funnels and facebook ads and email marketing and niching.. but really…. If you think about it, how DO you want your clients coming into your paid programs?
Do you WANT that to happen via webinars or events or live videos or Instagram or facebook or networking events or through speaking or your book?
How do WANT them to come in?
Then, work out and annihilate any limiting thoughts, feelings, niggles, ANYTHING that could stop you or hinder you from brining them into your world.
From there, we need to do the ‘What’s the next best step I can take to make that happen’ again!
I have consciously created a business so that I can work from home and travel when I want
I was talking with my oldest daughter yesterday, actually, about working and she asked me about why I left my JOB at the bank and why I didn’t go back there when things weren’t going as well as I wanted them to in my business.
I said to her “Well, here’s the thing. Maybe I’m not making the $1M/year that I was a couple of years ago again in this minute, but here’s the thing. If I went back to a JOB, I’d be out of the house by 8am and I wouldn’t be home before 6pm. You’d all need to get your own way to school, home from school, probably be in vacation care or holiday care in the holidays. I’d literally get 4 weeks off per year without any sense of flexibility because I’d have to allow for everyone else in the team to have their holidays as well”…. She replied “OH DON’T DO THAT, THEN!!!”. I didn’t really sell her on working in the 9-5p world!!!!!
It’s this sense of Freedom and flexibility and choice that drives me to remain in my business on a day to day basis.
Coupled with the overwhelming desire and drive to help others become VISIBLE and do the work they’re here to do – often their life’s work – on a grand scale.
I couldn’t not do this.
I would do this even if I was broke.
Even if I had $25M in the bank.
I don’t HAVE to do this for any external reason…
I have to do this because my soul and being would wither and I’d become a shadow of a person if I didn’t do this work.
Are you?
Are you consciously creating your business, your marketing, your VISIBILITY, your goals, your plans around that kind of thing, too?
If so, welcome home!
I can’t wait to hear how you ROCK 2019.
Because, you are amazing
You are already rich.
You are already wealthy.
You are gorgeous and hot and beautiful.
You are engaging and enigmatic.
You are magnetic and captivating.
You are insightful and intelligent.
You are a leader.
You are brilliant.
You are motivated and motivating.
You are inspiring and inspired.
You are positive.
You are empowering.
You are abundant.
You are worthy.
You are deserving.
You are already EVERYTHING you want to be.
It’s just time for you to decide and remember that you are all of this so that you can manifest it all in the way that you want to.
Freddie Mercury always knew that he was going to be famous.
That he was a Rockstar.
Lady Gaga always knew that she was different and would change the world.
For them, it was a foregone conclusion and they were just doing what they did and waited for the rest of the world to catch up on the memo.
We’re all waiting for you!!!! It’s time for YOU to catch up.
Nicola x