Have you ever felt lost … so lost in the ocean of opportunities? Have you found yourself staring at the cross roads you find yourself in … clearly seeing in the rear view mirror where you’ve been… you can see side to side that the roads to either side will repeat what you’ve been doing up to now… but contrary to what’s usually conveyed the path in front of you…. Is…. Well…. Murky. Foggy. Un-visible.
You sit and stare, looking, peeking, squinting.. trying to find the way. Knowing you do not want to keep doing the same things in the same way, but you can’t see a way forward?
Just me? Nope. I know it’s not just me who’s felt like this.
Your Soul Knows
Your soul knows what you should be doing.
So what is it?
You know you’re destined for greatness.
You know you are here for more.
You know there’s more to this life than the ordinary… than what we’ve been told we should be happy with.
That’s what you’re here for.
The thing is this.. when you’ve had some level of success and made some decent money… it’s somewhat ‘easy’ to coast.
Coasting. No acceleration. No de-celeration. Not much energy in… just, well, coasting.
The curse of coasting is that it zaps and saps your life force. Your soul force. Your inspiration. Your motivation.
So, you might consider closing. You might dance with ideas that maybe you’re not cut out for this after all…
Maybe those things you wanted aren’t really worth it after all….
Maybe you were delusional.
You look to the outside for help and support and it worked for a while, but it’s not sustainable.
You look inside for the answers and all you can think is that if you were ‘supposed’ to be all the things you thought you’d be… surely things would be easier.
The expectations on yourself are high. Always have been.
You identify as a high achiever. A high performer. Which is why coasting burns your soul so freaking much.
What burns you is the thought that maybe… even if you were to double down… what if you still don’t get there? What if you go ‘all in’ and it still doesn’t change?
What if you decided to stop coasting, and you decided to go all fuckin gin… and you’re still not great.. and you don’t achieve what you want….
What if you don’t make it? Ugh. That is fucking scary.
Let me level with you.
You are not delusional
You are not crazy.
You are not egotistical.
You are not a narcissist.
You are not normal.
You are special.
You are called.
You are born for it.
For all of it.
BUT you are going to have to stop coasting and stop being afraid if you want to get what you want.
If you want to achieve what you want…
If you want to become who you’re destined and designed to be.
It is time for you to reinvent. To reinvigorate. And to get on with the business of BECOMING the ultimate version of you.
Going all in on you for an entire 6 months… what do you think you could achieve?
A book?
Signature Program?
An extra $100K?
Create an event?
Start a podcast?
Have more influence?
So that you can have the IMPACT that you’re here to make….
Purpose doesn’t leave you.
Purpose doesn’t stop burning in your soul.
Purpose doesn’t stop calling you.
Are you going to let yourself listen again? ‘
It may feel there’s more riding on it now compared to when you started… but in actual fact, it’s no different.
The risk is the same.
We make it seem worse when we’ve had some success in the books. It’s like we get a bit gun shy. And so we coast.
The risk this time around, whilst it’s the same type of risk, the stakes are higher.
Your SOUL is going to start yelling if you refuse to listen.
Purpose doesn’t coast. It won’t allow it.
Your purpose will burn brighter and hotter and more fierce if you ignore it.
You are here to create impact, right?
You are here to create transformation.
You are here to change the world in your way.
You are here to be BE ALL that you can be.
So … here’s the thing we know….
We all need people around us to kick our ass, to teach us, to cajole us, support us, inspire us and motivate us.
I’d love to help you with that.
Accountability – so you follow through on what you say.
Planning – so you know the path to getting what you want.
Training – so you know how to get there.
Support – cause you won’t do it on your own.
Cheersquad & Masterminding – cause #GirlGang
This is all about you becoming the person you want to become. Leveraging all that is you.
The person who creates impact.
The person who inspires thousands. Millions. Locally, Nationally, Globally. Universally.
The person who doesn’t settle with coasting.
Give me 6 months and we’ll change your life and business together – for the better!
You. Me. Your circle. Your posse. Your gang.
Let’s do this.
Here’s the lowdown:
My plan for this, is for this to be YOUR
Creative Board, Sounding Board, Advisory Board… Cheerleaders and Ass Kickers
6 mth program
- First Monday of each month is an immersion day for:
- strategy
- planning
- support
- getting shit done
- masterminding
- This day is about working ON your business.
- We will do a 45min Hotseat of one business throughout that day as well.
- 2 weeks later, we will have a group accountability call to see how you’re tracking. These will go for max 2 hours and open to answering any and all questions and anything you need!
- Access to all online programs included
Some Exclusive Bonus’
- You can CHOOSE to come along to a live in residential when/if I run them at 1/2 off
- You can CHOOSE to come along to a 2 day Hotseat (I’ll run 3-4 throughout the year) and this is 1/2 off. My goal is to have these in person, but we have to be #RonaAware!
- Access to the 30 Day Implement Like A Boss calls (6am-6.30a each week day)
- 6 1:1 coaching sessions throughout the year. You’ll just book them in!
- VOXER access in need