You know you’re born for it.
You know you’re born for more.
When you dreamed up this business you knew what you wanted it to produce.
Impact. Money. Riches. Fame. Freedom. Choice.
When you think about the dream life that you want to create, you know that you would do almost anything to make it come to life.
Why? Because it’s your life’s work.
Think about it. You didn’t wake up one day thinking that it would be fun to work many many hours, pouring blood, sweat and tears into this thing… because it would be something that would kill some time.
You started this because you had an idea.
A GREAT idea.
An idea that you knew you could do something with.
In your wildest dreams – dreams that you probably share with perhaps ONE other person on the planet – you are doing wonderful, amazing and BIG things.
You keep this dream close to your heart. You generally don’t share it ‘out there’ in the wider world – because you expect that they’ll judge you. That they’ll tell you the things that you’ve heard before:
“Do you really think that would work here?”
“You know that you need to work harder, right?”
“You can’t do that!”
“Don’t get your hopes up”
“There are already a lot of people out there doing it. What makes you so different?”
But when you think about what you really want to do, what you really want to create… when you imagine that there are no barriers… it’s pretty freaking excited.
You find yourself with pockets of time where you feel ON FIRE with passion and purpose and motivation and your focus is ON POINT.
And then you find yourself with pockets of time where the frustration kicks in. The overwhelm. The procrastination. The wondering where the ideas went…
You open up Facebook and mindlessly scroll looking for inspiration – but to no avail.
You open up Instagram and do the same. Feeling horrible.
The frustration compounds with an almost grief-like feeling in your body as you start wondering what the hell were you thinking starting this thing… you wonder why you decided to pursue something so obscure, so hard, so far fetched, so far away from ‘normal’.
With a burst of energy, you slam the phone down and open up your computer. Say hello to the blank word document and you start typing out a letter to yourself as if it were from someone else
In this letter, you start typing about how amazing you are. About how admired, how inspirational you are. How damn strong you are.
It goes a little like this:
Dear me,
I just wanted to take a moment to write you a letter to let you know that I am so glad that you’re in my life. I have been through moments of struggle and feeling down and you have been there.
You’re like a rocket of inspiration in my world. I honestly don’t know how you do what you do but I have to tell you that I love that you find a way to do it!!! It’s like you live inside my head, knowing exactly what to say when I need it.
From where I sit, I have to let you know that I really admire you. I love watching what you’re doing and although you don’t always feel it or see it, please know that I’m watching (not in a weird stalky way, though!!).
I have days where I really doubt my confidence in what I’m doing and the fact that you show up reminds me that I DO have some confidence in there somewhere to keep going.
I see you showing up, talking vulnerably about the things that are really important to you, sharing behind the mask, behind the curtain and I really admire someone who can do that. Who can share so openly the things that are going on for them and how you have navigated them – so we can follow you.
I’ve got to tell you this as well: I talk about you to so many people that I meet! I love what you stand for, how you stand up for what you believe in and the way you advocate for your clients.
I love the way you are. Your sense of humour. Your sense of style. Your sass and wit and tenacity.
There have been times where you’ve shared that you wanted to give up. That it all feels too hard. That you haven’t always known how to keep moving forward, but you do…
That inspires us to keep going.
I love the way you lead by example. This inspires me to do the same.
I love the way you dare to create a life that you want… this shows me that I, too, can create the kind of life that I want.
There are a few things that I want to say and I really want you to hear:
You are wonderful, wise, funny, amazing, gorgeous, fabulous, oh so generous. You are inspiring, motivating and insightful. Gracious, kind and I can see that you really really care about us. I love seeing you do what you do and the way that you light up the world.
Please, don’t ever stop doing what you’re doing. It looks like you’re like you’re having the TIME OF YOUR LIFE up there doing what you’re doing.
Thank you for being you.
Thank you for following your dreams.
Thank you for being human.
Thank you for showing us, leading us and giving us someone to aspire to be like.
Thank you for being brave.
Thank you for being courageous.
Thank you for forging the way.
Thank you for continuing to evolve and grow and change.
Thank you for showing all of us what being authentic means.
Thank you for showing us that feeling is real… the feeling of being BORN FOR IT is worth following.
You know you are so freaking worthy of all of this.
It’s ok to feel a bit scared.
It’s ok for it too feel like it’s really big.
I know sometimes it feels like you’re wading through quick sand in an effort to get to where you want to be… but I can also tell you this:
You CAN do what you want.
You CAN build the business you want.
You CAN create the presence you want
You CAN create the impact you want to create.
You CAN reach the people you want to reach.
Everything that you read in the letter to yourself is there. Right there. Waiting for you.
Waiting for you to leap.
Waiting for you to show up.
Waiting for you to try it.
That ‘thing’ that you feel born to do … there’s no more waiting.
The waiting room is shut. Closed down. The security screen has shut that shit down and the only thing that you can do right now is to take a step out there and make it happen.
You have been officially kicked out of the waiting room.
There can be no more doubt.
There can be no more fear.
There can be no more putting this off.
Well, there could be… but that would mean that the dream you have dies a slow, withering and incredibly painful and vocal death. It’s the stuff of nightmares. The stuff that haunts.
The stuff regrets are made of.
So no more.
Because you ARE born for it all.
The stage is waiting for you.
The audience are there.
Everything in your whole life has been building up for this.
Working you towards this.
Training you for this.
Preparing you for this.
All you now need to do is DECIDE.
The decision to shift your expectations. To stop measuring all the things that don’t matter. TO stop paying attention to the shit that doesn’t matter.
Because baby, you are so freaking ready.
What are you waiting for, really?
If you’re really ready to step up your visibility game, the time is NOW.
Join us for an EPIC 2 days of setting you up for online success.
You’ll learn how to position yourself as an expert in the eyes of your audience.
You’ll have a unique, epic and inspiring content plan that will support you for the next 18months – at least!
You’ll know what to do in order to leverage it all.
Join us for VISIBLE | LIVE happening on the 6 & 7th of Nov as a virtual event. 2 whole days of shenanigans and badassery that will change the way you create content forever.